Saturday, February 22, 2014

The shopping cart!

Hello followers,
last week my Mom and I went to Costco. We hadn't been in a while due to some snow here in Virginia and my family being sick on top of it. I wanted to share what our CART looked like... 

If you're following me, you know that I try to make good choices for my body. These choices are also choices my family has been making.This cart has mostly fruits and veggies in it. What you don't see is: soda, doughnuts, desserts, packaged meals, bagged snacks, etc. I'm not saying those things are bad...but when eaten often and being a regular thing you buy (maybe even just because it's on sale, which isn't an excuse) it is not good for your body. They are okay in moderation and on occasion but not to be a part of a regular diet or shopping day. If you've ever been to Costco, you know the temptation we faced! Be encouraged...look at our can be done! haha. (this photo was taken at the check we didn't add anything after this lol)

Make healthy choices today...fuel your body, not your taste buds :) 
Blessings to you!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


hey followers,

Thank you for not giving up on me. I have not been doing much purposed food choices lately, and I'm feeling it (and seeing it). Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have some more food type things to share. For now, look at my other blogs for some spiritual health :)

^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<< up there are the links :)