Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oh, sweets

Recently, I have been pretty much giving up sweets gradually. On an average day, I avoid them completely. When a craving comes up I grab a protein or just down a bunch of water. It has been working and today I had a funny experience. Through a tiny bit of stress I all of a sudden thought of a doughnut, but right as my brain was about to say "ugh, I want a doughnut!!!" I pretty much remembered how disappointed I am every time I eat a doughnut. It seems like the anticipation of consuming it is stronger than the actual satisfaction afterwards for me. I am not a big cake person, and a doughnut is like cake. My eyes are often more tempted than my stomach.
All of a sudden I did not want a doughnut anymore and I didn't even want to think about it (it grossed me out to be honest).

I wouldn't say that I'm dieting, or that a diet is "working". I would say that I have decided to eat things that make me feel good...and sweets just don't make me feel good...so now that my mindset is changing, I am now eating healthy and I feel really good :) I am breaking the emotional attachment to food. Only a limited amount of times have I actually "craved" anything and most of the time it has been craving yogurt, kale, water and fruit. I slip up a few times and allow myself a piece of chocolate or chip every once in a while, but I try to figure out why I want that thing because normally when I crave something like chips it's purely just for craving sodium, something my body needs some of. So I am really working hard to get to know my body.

It is possible to change the way you eat. But it has to be your decision. Your body doesn't "crave" things...you tell your body what to eat...you're the one who chooses the menu...you're in control of it...you tell it what to do. It's isn't the food's fault. Get to know your body and it's needs, rather than your wants.

Let's take responsibility and care for this body God has given us. I for one, want to feel good...and I've been studying and researching myself and information on how to do that.

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